Saturday, November 22, 2014

Afternoon of Crafting

As many of you already know Friday's are like my day to just kind of do whatever... It's not like "What I Did Wednesdays" where I usually have things scheduled or stuff around the house I have to take care of. Friday's are more like my day to take time out for ME! To do stuff I enjoy doing.  So my best friend and her friend came over and we went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some things to craft. 

We got some things to make a super cute wreathe, and then we got some glass bottles so that I could wrap them in hemp cord. Total shabby chic accent for your casa.  Sooner or later my house will look the way I want it to :)

We also got some scrap booking paper to make a cute little christmas sign to hang on our fire place mantle. Our house is going to look so adorable this holiday! Now, all we need to do is get the ever loving table for our kitchen done. Uhg, that is just taking for ever. Doesn't help that it has been raining for like 3 days. I mean don't get me wrong I am NOT complaining about the rain because lord knows we need it so bad. 

On the way back from Hob Lob we stopped off at the grocery store and picked up some pizza's. Cause you know... It's "No Cook Friday Nights." LIGHT BULB FLASHING!!!! OMG maybe thats what I should call the blogs on Friday Nights! I might make that in the works. 

Anyways, once we were done with getting stuff at the grocery store and at Hob Lob store we came back and crafted the rest of the afternoon. It was a lot of fun. I love doing crafts when I have the time to just sit back and do them. Was a lot of fun! 

We kind of went to bed early last night because we had to get up and drive to my husbands mom's house Saturday morning. She lives like an hour or so away. So, we spent the afternoon out there and we made dinner for her. 

His mom and I went grocery shopping for some Turkey Day goodies. I and to get stuff for pies and I had to pick up some things that my mom asked me to get for our Thanksgiving as well. Thats pretty much what went on Friday and most of Saturday. Overall, a pretty relaxing weekend. Now I am sitting here getting some work done. Then I am off to bed because my husbands cousin and her boyfriend are coming over tomorrow to hang out. Should be fun! :) Have an awesome rest of your weekend! 

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I decided to start my blog for the love of make- up,hair, and skin care. I am a self taught and

licensed cosmetologist. I went to school to learn all about hair and make-up. As I furthered my education in cosmetology my love for make-up became even stronger. I worked in salons doing hair but honestly my heart wasn't in it the way it was with make-up. I love doing make-up it is like therapy to me. read more...

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