Wednesday, March 19, 2014

TMI Tag-Get To Know Me Better!

1. What are you wearing? I am wearing grey Capri's and a teal shirt.
2. Ever been in love? Yes,Yes,Yes, I have. I should hope so anyways. Since I am married.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? Yes, I have.
4. How tall are you? 5'0"
5. How much do you weigh? Meh!
6. Any tattoos? Sure do.
7. Any piercings? Nope. Not even my ears. I have had my ears pierced back when I was in high school, but I was to active in sports and constantly had to take them out. So I ended up letting them close up and never got them pierced again.
8. OTP (One True Pairing: what's your favorite fictional couple)? Detective Catherine Chandler and Vincent Keller from Beauty and The Beast. If you haven't watched it, you should totally watch it. Amazing!
9. Favorite show? Going to have to say,Son's Of Anarchy, Beauty and The Beast, and Grey's Anatomy.
10. Favourite bands? I am going to have to say Dave Mathew's Band
11. Something you miss? I miss my angel and my grandparents who have passed away. I think about them all the time.
12. Favourite song? LOL that's a hard one. I have a new favorite song like every other day. However, my favorite all time favorite song is the Top Gun Anthem song from the movie. I know it's a weird one... I walked down the aisle to that song though.
13. How old are you? I am 29 Years old. Soon to be Dirty 30! BLEH!
14. Zodiac sign? I am a Leo.
15. Quality you look for in a partner? Loyal, honest, and good sense of humor. All things my husband has.
16: Favorite Quote? "If you screw up just this much, you will be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog SH&* out of Hong Kong."- Top Gun See, I told you guys my love for this movie is mildly sickening.
17: Favorite actor? Tom Cruise, Jay Ryan(Vincent Keller) he's a major hottie and Charlie Hunnum from Son's Of Anarchy.
18: Favorite color? Teal
19: Loud music or soft? Loud music. I love dancing around!
20: Where do you go when you're sad? When I am sad I either go and talk to my husband or my mom and if I feel like I can't talk to either one of them, then I go and take a shower and just cry it out in there.
21: How long does it take you to shower? Depends on if I have to wash my hair. I don't wash my hair every single day. Usually every other day. So, between 10-15 minutes.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? It depends on where I am going. If I am going out to dinner or out some place it will usually take me about an hour .If I am running to the grocery store or just running errands then maybe 20-30 minutes.
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Meh, if I am being honest. Yes, I have. I was in high school I was defending myself too so. My parents told me that as long as I wasn't the one who started the fight and I was only fighting back to defend myself that I wouldn't get in trouble.
24: Turn on? Guys with big arms and when guys wear hats backwards. HOT!
25: Turn off? Men who are chauvinistic
26: The reason I joined YouTube? I actually haven't started vlogging yet, however my husband and I decided we want to put up daily vlogs about our life and I wanted to put up Make-Up tutorials.
27: Fears? I fear death for sure and I don't mind swimming in the ocean but I won't go out that far because I just freak out knowing what is below me. My husband used to be an underwater construction diver and while he was in school training his instructors made the students keep a journal. I read his (Yes, he knows I read it). BAD IDEA!
28: Last thing that made you cry? A few months back I really thought I was pregnant and was quite disappointed when I took a pregnancy test. Big Fat Negative.
29: Last time you said you loved someone? I told my mom I loved her when I got off the phone with her. I told my husband I loved him like 5 times before he left for school. LOL I tell people I love them all day everyday! :)
30: Meaning behind your YouTube/Blogging Name? I picked my name because when I am doing someones make-up I am enhancing their beauty by the marks I leave on their skin with my brushes. Beauty Marked!
31: Last book you read? I believe the last book I read was the 50 Shades of Grey series.
32: The book you're currently reading? Not currently reading one.
33: Last show you watched? I am watching Baby Daddy on TV right now. One of my many shows I enjoy watching.
34: Last person you talked to? In person, my next door neighbor and on the phone, my mom.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? My Mom.
36: Favourite food? Italian.
37: Place you want to visit? Ireland, Italy, Portugal, other parts of Hawaii.
38: Last place you were? If we are talking today, I just hung around the house today. But if we are talking bout vacations, the last place I went to was Utah.
39: Do you have a crush? I would hope so... I am married.
40: Last time you kissed someone? This afternoon when my husband got home from work, and then again when he left for school.
41: Last time you were insulted? I don't get easily insulted. I have thick skin, so not a lot bugs me. So I would have to say the last time I really felt insulted was probably the week before my wedding.
42: Favourite flavour of sweet? Probably going to have to say sour patch kids (berries)
43: What instruments do you play? None!
44: Favourite piece of jewelry? My wedding bands and engagement ring.
45: Last sport you played? Soccer... I played soccer starting in like 3rd grade all the way up to high school.
46: Last song you sang? LOL the question is which song haven't I sang. I was just watching American Idol and was singing along with MK's version of Pink's Song "F*^%ing Perfect."
47: Favourite chat up line? "Are you tired? Because you have been running through my mind all day."
48: Have you ever used it? Hells Yeah! I use pick up lines all the time. (insert sarcasm here)
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Well, I am hanging out with my husband right now. But if we are talking about friends... I hung out with my friend on Skype earlier today LOL.
50: Who should answer these questions next? I tag all of you out there to do this tag :)

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Get to know me!

I decided to start my blog for the love of make- up,hair, and skin care. I am a self taught and

licensed cosmetologist. I went to school to learn all about hair and make-up. As I furthered my education in cosmetology my love for make-up became even stronger. I worked in salons doing hair but honestly my heart wasn't in it the way it was with make-up. I love doing make-up it is like therapy to me. read more...

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