Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Prom Hair & Make-Up

I have something fun for us this evening. We are approaching in to Prom and Wedding season here.  I have had the profound honor of doing my beautiful nieces hair for her Senior Ball. She is just beautiful and we had a blast playing with her hair and make-up. This weekend is her Senior Ball and her hair and make-up were done yesterday for a trial. For just going with it and winging it. It turned out beautifully.

This is my beautiful model. I know isn't she just gorgeous! I envy her beautiful skin and hair. To be a teenager again. I would go back in a heart beat I tell you. Well this beauty and I have had a  8 love years to get to know each other.  I love spending time with this girl. Great kid! :) So being asked to do her hair and make-up was a even bigger PLUS!

I also got to privilege of doing 3 of her beautiful friends for prom as well. I can't wait for this weekend. Its going to be a whole day of hair and beauty. Right up my ally is all I have to say.

This is the hair style she decided she wanted me to try to recreate. So since she has much longer hair and much much much thicker hair. So I told her that we might have to do something a little different but still have the same idea. Because I would have so much more hair to work with. Let me say this... This girls hair is so healthy and so silky. AMAZING really one can get their hair that perfect. You just wait girl once your older !! LOL  Are you guys ready to see what I recreated with her hair... Well with out further a due. Here you have it... 

Here is the side of her hair. We could only see one side of the hair style but I decided to put twists on both side of her head. I thought it would look weird if we only did one. So we used our own imagination on that part. Also, I thought it would look a lot better if we teased her hair a bit at the top. Adding some volume to give her hair due a bit of hight.  Added a little something else to the style, yet again making the style even more unique and making to more hers. :) Only she will have it and only her man will get to see her sport it. 

This is what we turned out with. For the most part the bottom of the little bun was done just like the hair style but with her hair she just has so damn much of it.  I had to think about what I was going to do with the remainder of the bits of her hair. So I curled the little bits and pin curled them on top of the bun. OMG the way this made her hair was amazing. This just made her hair look even more perfect for her special day.  Over all I thought the hair turned out perfect and I think she thought that as well... 

Now, we had discussed me doing her make-up before and she thought she might want to just do her own make-up. I told her we could play around with some make-up. So we did. Needless to say I am going to be doing her make-up as well. Apparently I made a good impression on her. She said she wanted something natural but something a little more then everyday make up because she was going to be taking pictures. I told her I could do something along those lines. This is what we came up with! 

Umm... Can you say freaking gorgeous??? Seriously! This was the makeup we came up with. We did a really blowy make up with a really natural eye and nude lip gloss. She loved and so did I. I am so glad she loved how everything turned out. I know she's just going to be beautiful when she's all dolled up and has her dress on. 

You may think... alright that a lot to do in one day... no we didn't stop at the hair and make-up. We even colored her hair too.  Now I told her that he hair was absolutely beautiful the way it was. She said she wanted something a little darker and a solid color all over. So thats what she got. 

Dark hair beauty right here. She loves it. Can you tell! Well ladies and gents. Thats all I got for you on tonights Wacky Hair Wednesday.  I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed doing her hair and make-up. I am so excited for this weekend. Going to be a lot of fun! Welcome to Prom and Wedding Season! 

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Get to know me!

I decided to start my blog for the love of make- up,hair, and skin care. I am a self taught and

licensed cosmetologist. I went to school to learn all about hair and make-up. As I furthered my education in cosmetology my love for make-up became even stronger. I worked in salons doing hair but honestly my heart wasn't in it the way it was with make-up. I love doing make-up it is like therapy to me. read more...

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