Friday, November 7, 2014

Kauai Hawaii- Honeymoon Throwback

My husband and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary this October. It wasn't but a year ago that we were coming home on a jet plane from Kauai. This place is the most romantic most beautiful place I have ever been to. I have been to a few places but nothing as quite as beautiful as this place. We had such a blast and loved every second of it. We told my parents and his mom that we were never going to come back. LOL of course I would have gotten island bound and would have definitely gotten home sick and missed my family. Especially my little Riley man. We did so much and took so many pictures it was incredible. 

However,I am going to call out my wonderful husband in all his glory in this one though. My husband and I decided that one of the "BIG" things that we were going to do was do a Catamaran ride. They call it a cruise its more like a speed boat race... But sure... yah a cruise. Anyways, I was petrified to get on this boat so I was more then prepared. I get really bad motion sickness as it is. I am horrible in the car. Like ritualistically every single time we drive to Reno or Lake Tahoe you can guarantee that you can find us pulled over at least twice on the side of the road with me heaving and hoeing. Again, this isn't about me this time... I am starting to drift off track here... So naturally the night before I was my typical prepared self and we went out and got me some Dramamine to help with any sickness I might have. The last thing I wanted to be was sick for 5 hours that I was on this "cruise". 

So we get on this catamaran and the captain starts back the boat out of the dock area and we are off... At first it was really awesome. Then they let us get up and move about the boat while in motion... HAHA another funny joke! Anyways, we were doing really good for about the first forty five minutes in to the "cruise". All of a sudden Josh went up to the top of the boat and got some dramamine in my purse. You know I come prepared. Now, lets get real here... This boat is going so damn fast honestly NO ONE could move about the boat. I stayed in one spot and one spot only... my husband comes back down from getting the dramamine and sits down and tells me his stomach was upset. I am just thinking to my self oh crap... One of the guys working on the boat who was serving drinks (yes there was drinks and food) Don't ask how you eat on one of these... its near impossible! One of the guys serving asked him if he needed a bag. He said yes... Yup! You got it! 

Let the upchucking' begin. Yah wow isn't that cave so beautiful. Oh wait... excuse the dude who continually is barfing off the side of the boat. For real though, all jokes set aside... It really wasn't that funny. I thought alright he will blow chunks once and he will be alright. For real he threw up the entire boat ride. I have honestly never felt so bad for him in my entire life. I don't think I have ever seen him throw up so much in my entire life either. He was so sick. This seriously took the fun out of the entire boat ride. Which sucked more, there were like 3 other people who also were blowing chunks right next to him. I was seriously sitting in their line of fire. It was all bad. 

Finally the boat stopped for a bit because we got to sit and watch the sunset go down. While that was all going down the captain came down and asked where the dude was that couldn't stop throwing up was. He got ahold of my husband and the captain took this weird hose thing and squirted him from head to toe with cold as ICE water... Apparently, this is one of their tricks that they do to get people to stop being sea sick. They gave him a Mae Tae and told him to focus on only facing forward. He did that while shivering the entire way back to the dock. Thankfully, he did stop throwing up. However, neither one of us ate dinner on the boat. Needless to say dude was pretty freaking hungry when he got off the boat. 

I just have have to say, it was a rough ride. It was brutal. I mean I wasn't even feeling sick because I took the meds like your supposed to 2 hours before. I could hardly stand up while the boat was in motion with out falling over. I had to hold on to railings and what not. Shoot, lets be real... I had to hold on to dear life even while I was sitting down. So to be able to hold a drink and a plate of dinner on this boat was near impossible. So, we skipped dinner and decided to get something else when we got off the boat. Needless to say... we won't be doing one of those catamaran rides again! 

Well guys, hope you enjoyed today's throw back... To my husband Josh. I am sorry honey. I love you to the moon and back again. I had to share your horrifying story of this trip. LOL Love you bunches. Don't worry my trip to the ER while in Hawaii will get posted at some point too... :) 

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